Tuesday, January 29, 2008

more treats to share

I have wanted to try one of these Qbee boxes I saw on Splitcoast back around Halloween. It was just a template you printed out, cut out, stamped and taped up. So easy!

I cut a cellophane bag to make the window and filled with M & M and I only ate 3 while I was filling the box.

So, if you want to make some up you can check it out here:



debby4000 said...

Lovely Kathy, you were very good to eat only 3.

Anonymous said...

These are lovely I must give these a go I have sent you an award....its on my blog xx

Kim said...

Kathy, those are great Valentines Day goodies - love them! Kim sbs8

A Hovel to Home said...

Wow, thanks for the link. Fantastic box you've done, and very restrained of you only to eat so few.


Sallyh said...

what a lovely goody box, I will have to try one of those :)

Ellen Pruett (aka Chipper) said...

Ha! Eat only 3. I just don't think I could do it. I love the box and I'll have to make it myself. Love it, love it love it!!!

Enfys said...

Gosh, that's pretty, I will have to download that template, I love what you did with it

~Denise Lynn~ said...

Great treat box! Super fun idea! :)