Here are my creations from this past weekend. Most I have showed you before-
1) DVD tins with jr legal pad inside
2) stationary gifts (no need to recreate the wheel)
3) and new one- if you can spot it, is the Jackie Topa stationary set
I have to work this morning, so I will post tomorrow some of the projects up close and details how to make them!
I hope you are all surviving the stress and last minute push until the man in the little red suit comes. Thank you to Marilyn who reminded me not to forget this is about the Birth of Jesus and God showing us love by sharing his only son with us.
Wow, you've been busy! These all look great Kathy!
Love your projects Kathy, thanks for stopping by my blog.
Ohh what a busy busy beaver! Lovely!
Wow Kathy - you really have been busy - these are all awesome projects!! I'm glad I inspired you to remember the reason for the season, it has been a stress reliever for me to remember that with all the preparations I have to take care of LOL!! You have been blowing and going though - your projects will make awesome gifts!!
wow you have been so so busy here and the outcome i must say is fabby!!!
Hugs L x
Great gifts - these are stunning! Wish I had time to make my gifts!!
Oh My GOODNESS! You are the gift queen!!!I need to go over to your house to finish up my shopping! Any sales going on? lol
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