Monday, February 11, 2008

valentine frenzy

Quick post to show the valentines I made for my son's class. My oldest, told me they weren't exchanging, just bringing a snack in for one friend.
the so saffron with elephant is for girls, the sage shadow with mouse is for the boys. I kept them simple as most 8 year olds care more about candy then card.
I finished these off this morning as my youngest is home sick with a fever. My husband had it first, hopefully it won't go through our house.
I better go take my airborne now!


Anonymous said...

SO SO cute!!

Anonymous said...

Wow you have been busy these are soo cute, hope you don't catch the fever xx

My Paper World said...

very cute!

~Denise Lynn~ said...

These are great! Lucky classmates! :)

Su Davis said...

These are so lovely - we don't do that over here in the UK (generally just 1 or 2 are sent.)
I reckon I am out of time this year to do some for my kids to take to school, but I think it's a great idea and I'm going to set a reminder on my calender for next year!

Kim said...

Wow Kathy those are so cute!!! Kim sbs8

Unknown said...

very cute - and so good to be done!

Jennifer said...

I hope your son feels better. Those are really cute treat bags. I find it so hard to come up with simple designs like this.

Frances said...

ooo, that's so cute!

debby4000 said...

Wow these are so cute

Etha said...

Ho wonderful!! those are great for the kids. There is just something so cool about a picture of a table full of stamped goodness, thanks for sharing :)

Erin... said...

what a grea tidea with sweedish fish! i love these but had never thought of them for valentine's oooohhh